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Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601)
About the Visa
The eVisitor visa (subclass 601) allows you to visit Australia as you wish in a 12-month period. It is mostly for those who will enter Australia in a cruise or as a business visitor.
There is no Visa Application Charge (VAC) however there is an application service fee of AUD20 to use the Australian ETA app.
This is a temporary visa.
It is valid for travel to Australia for either 12 months, or for the period your passport is valid, whichever is shorter.
The visa is granted with multiple entry. You can leave and re-enter Australia as many times as you want while it is valid. You can remain in Australia for 3 months after each entry.
If you stay in Australia for long periods or make frequent visits to Australia, the Department may ask you about your travel purpose next time you enter Australia. If you are found not to be a genuine visitor, your ETA may be cancelled.
The visa starts on the date it is granted unless you hold another substantive visa that is in effect.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this visa you must:
- Have an eligible passport
- Be a genuine visitor
- Meet the health requirement
- Meet character requirement
- Have paid back your debt to the Australian Government
- Have enough money to support your stay in Australia
- Best interests of the child
Other requirements:
- Meet the health requirement
- Meet character requirement
- Have paid back your debt to the Australian Government
- Have enough money to support your stay in Australia
- Best interests of the child
What you can do when you have this visa?
You can travel to Australia:
- to visit family or friends
- as a tourist - for example, to cruise or have a holiday
- as a business visitor.
You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on an ETA.
As a business visitor, you can:
- make general business or employment enquiries
- investigate, negotiate, enter into or review a business contract
- conduct activities as part of an official government visit
- take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar. The organisers can't pay you to take part
You can’t:
- work for or provide services to a business or organisation based in Australia
- sell goods or services directly to the public