AllSkills Recruitment & MIgration Services
Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115/835)
About the Visa
This permanent visa lets people move to Australia to be with their only close family members.
This visa costs from AUD4,990.00
This is a permanent visa. It lets you stay in Australia indefinitely.
Eligibility Requirements
- Have a sponsor
- Not have other near relatives
- Have assurance of support
- Meet the health requirement
- Meet the character requirement
- Have paid back your debt to the Australian Government
- Not have had a visa cancelled or a previous application refused
- Sign the Australian values statement
- Best interests of the child
What you can do when you have this visa?
With this visa you can:
- Stay in Australia indefinitely
- Work and study in Australia
- Enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare
- Sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
- If eligible, apply for Australian citizenship